Call of duty modern warfare 3

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 the eagerly anticipated latest iteration of the series promises to be the most epic yet. With an unrivalled multiplayer component which combines adrenaline fuelled gunplay and destructive kill streak rewards which is improved further still with the inclusion of the new Strike Package and Weapons Proficiency systems that allow gamers greater freedom than ever before when customizing their class to their playstyle.
Additionally the Call of Duty Elite service means that players will be able to interact competitively and socially as never before. Adding further to this experience still is the Elite app which can be used with a Android or Apple smartphone to check stats and alter loadouts on the move. From release onwards there will also be daily competitions. – A.B.
All New Strike Packages: Killstreaks have been redesigned to reward different play styles and skill levels through unique Strike Packages. Completing game mode objectives now counts towards your Pointstreak progression. For the first time ever, kills are not the only way to earn Pointstreaks.

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This also allows Pointstreaks to cater to more unique play-styles:
Assault Strike Package Pointstreaks within this package chain and are designed for more direct damage (Predator, helicopter), just like in Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2. Your streak resets on death.
Support Strike Package Pointstreaks within this package do not chain. However, streaks do not reset on death. Streaks are more support oriented (UAV, Counter UAV, SAM turret)
Specialist Strike Package Pointstreaks designed for the expert players. Rewards come in the form of additional perks. A player activates additional Perks as they progress in a Pointsreak. These perks last until death.
New Game Modes – Fan favourite game modes make their return (Free-for-All, Team Death, Match, Domination, etc.), and a series of new modes make their introduction to the Modern Warfare series:
Kill Confirmed Collect dog tags from killed players. Prevent the other team from collecting yours
Team Defender Grab the flag and protect the flag carrier to increase your teams score
New Game Modes For Private Match
* The infected kills enemies to recruit them for the infected team.
Drop Zone
* Hold the Drop Zone for Team Points and Care Packages.
Team Juggernaut
* With the support of a juggernaut, kill players on the opposing team. The first team to reach the score limit wins.
* Kill the Juggernaut to become the new Juggernaut
Gun Game
* Be the first to dominate with every gun
One in the Chamber
* Gain ammo by eliminating enemies. Be the last to survive.
Customizable Game Modes For Private Match
* Private matches have been significantly enhanced to allow players to create new, customizable game modes in addition to the new modes for private matches (listed above) and share newly created games modes with friends.
Through ELITE, subscribers can vote on favourite new modes and those modes could make their way into public playlists.
Multiplayer Maps: 16 Maps including the maps shown at Call of Duty XP:
* Resistance
* Dome
* Underground
* Village
* Arkaden
Dedicated Servers: Modern Warfare 3 will support dedicated servers on Day 1
Players will be able to: browse, filter, favorite, and join Call of Duty: MW3 dedicated servers of their choice. Players will be able to setup their own server and administer their MW3 dedicated servers with direct control over features such as game rules, setup and ban lists.
Special OPS (Co-Opertive Gameplay)
Having made its introduction in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Special Ops makes its return in Modern Warfare 3 with a bevy of additions that innovate as a stand-alone mode, but also serves as an effective springboard into multiplayer action.
Survival Mode:
* Making its first appearance in MW3, Survival Mode is the New Special Ops mode in which players face wave upon wave of attacking enemies. Acquaint yourself with all 16 MP maps by playing through them on Survival Mode a great way for players to prepare for online multiplayer.
Mission Mode:
* Mission Mode makes its return, allowing players to team up with a friend locally or online for 16 new time-trial and objective-based missions.
Ranking/Progression System:
* An independent rank progression system within Special Ops which spans both Mission and Survival based on the rank progression players encounter in multiplayer.
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Minimum System Requirements:
CPU: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom™ X3 8750 processor or better
VGA: Shader 3.0 or better 256 MB NVIDIA®GeForce™ 8600GT / ATI® Radeon™ X1950 or better
DX: DirectX® 9.0C or later
OS: Windows® XP / Windows Vista® / Windows® 7
HDD: 16 GB free hard drive space

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